cat dandruff

Managing Your Cat Shedding Dandruff

If your cat is shedding dandruff, the cause may simply be dry skin. The lower back and base of a cat’s tail are subject to dry skin. It is usually most commonly found on the face and along the back and the base of the tail but any part of the body can be affected. Dandruff can be hard to see on lighter coloured cats. A cat comb or brush can also help you diagnose dandruff if your cat has thicker fur. Cat dandruff can be caused by a variety of factors both medical and environmental. Common triggers are:

  • Skin loses mois­ture during dry winter months. Dry skin gets worst in certain climates where there is a lack of moisture in the air.
  • If your cat is on a low-fat diet, skin can flake from lack of oils and fats in the skin.
  • An older or obese cat may have difficulty grooming himself and will develop greasy, flaky skin.
  • During a bath, always rinse shampoo out of your cat’s coat completely until suds disappear. Use a moisturizing shampoo and follow with a conditioner.
  • If bathwater is too hot, dry skin is also likely to develop, your cat’s skin responds the same way yours does after a long, hot soak.
  • Parasites can also be a cause of dandruff. Allergic skin reactions due to fleas and other parasites will also cause dandruff to become more prominent in your cat.

Low-end cat food doesn’t have the nutritional value your cat needs to maintain a healthy coat. Make sure the food has essential fatty acids, like Omega-3. Read the labels and know what to look for. Proteins and vitamins B and E nourish the skin and fur. Give your cat a small amount of wet food every day to keep his coat glossy and his skin moisturized.

If dandruff is persistent, consult your vet. Dry skin may be a sign of a more serious problem, such as mange, flea allergy, ringworm, or seborrhea. Heavy dandruff can also signal hyperthyroidism or diabetes.

Cat Urine Odours

Cat urine odours are notoriously difficult to remove. Male cats contains hormones which make the urine smell much stronger than that of females or neutered males. These hormones serve a purpose, to enable the male cat to mark his territory.  Male cats exhibit this behaviour to attracting females and deterring any possible competing males.

Cat urine smells the moment after she urinates or sprays. The longer that urine sits, the worse the stench becomes. The main odor-causing culprits, urea. Bacteria have the ability to hydrolyze the urea, which releases ammonia. It is also part of why cat pee glows under a black light. Most cleaning products easily take care of urea , but detergents and soaps will not remove uric acid. Uric acid crystallizes and bonds to porous surfaces, such as carpet, fibres, which makes is very difficult to remove. Often, we think that urine is gone once they dry up and crystallised. The truth is cat’s sensitive noses can smell the uric acid and will return to the same spot to urinate.

On a humid day, the odour is released when the crystals absorb surrounding moisture. To remove uric acid, use a solution specifically formulated to remove cat urine odours. Using an enzyme cleaner breaks up the crystals in the uric acid to permanently remove the smell.

Most enzymatic cleaners require several applications to fully remove uric acid, especially if the stain is old. While enzyme cleaners come in a spray bottle, spraying a light coat over the stain would not do much. For best results, remove the sprayer and douse the spot liberally. Allow the enzyme cleaner to air dry, letting the cleaner sit for 10 to 15 minutes. The drying time break down the uric acid salts, allowing the resulting gases to evaporate. After which  blot up as much of it as possible with a clean cloth. Remember not to use ammonia or an ammonia-based product to try to remove cat urine. Cat urine contains ammonia, cleaning urine with an ammonia product will just encourage your cat to return to the area.

Cat Hairballs, What Is The Cause?

All cats expe­rience hairballs, except perhaps, the Sphynx cat. The culprit, their prickly tongue. All cats groom themselves, cats that shed a lot or who groom themselves compulsively are more likely to have hairballs. Hairballs occur as a result of your cat grooming which forces any ingested hair down a one-way street into their stomach. The cat’s digestive system is normally able to handle the hair and it simply passes through the intestinal tract and out in the feces. But over-time, some of these hairs remains in the stomach and gradually accumulates into a wet clump rather than passing through the intestinal tract, these accumulated hair is vomited out by the cat instead.

The typical cat regurgitation of a hairball involves two spurts – one a little drab of liquid, and the other, a wad of hair in a larger puddle of liquid. As long as the wad has come out, your cat is fine. She will not have lost her appetite, and you do not have to give her any medicine or take her to the vet. To minimize and possibly prevent the development of hairballs and their complications, you will need to step up your grooming of her or feed her a hairball remedy once or twice a week to prevent most future problems.

But if hairballs seem to be a regular occurrence in your home, despite regular grooming, and es­pecially if your cat tends to be constipated (look for hard, small stools), she may need a touch more lubricant and/ or roughage added to her diet.

This can take the form of:

  • Hairball-remedy food (check cat food labels)
  • A little bit of vegetable oil (such as olive oil) mixed into her food
  • A commercially prepared hairball preventive that often comes as a gel in a tube or as crystals that you can sprinkle on food. If the product contains mineral oil, be sure to give Kitty a vitamin supplement, because mineral oil can de­plete her body of vitamin A.
  • A half spoonful of finely grated or cooked, pureed raw carrot or cooked, pureed sweet potato, pumpkin, or winter squash. For convenience, look for a jarred baby food version of this that is pure vegetable without any added salt or garlic; you only need a little bit at a time, so freeze it in spoonful-size dabs on a sheet of waxed paper and then store in an airtight container in the freezer (thaw before giving to Kitty).
  • Cat grass (wheatgrass or other grass; avoid giving Kitty alfalfa or other sprouts)
  • A pinch of ground psyllium mixed into the cat’s food daily

Being aware and monitoring the behavior to see and able to tell whether their cat’s hairballs are routine or no laughing matter. If your cat has stopped eating and is severely constipated, she may have developed a hairball that has gotten too stuck to vomit out. Rarely, a hairball can grow large enough to be life-threatening and require surgical removal. Obviously, prevention is key to keeping Kitty in tip-top form, particularly if she belongs to long-haired breeds, such as Persians and Maine Coons..

Cat Acne – Common Skin Condition

Cat acne is one of the top five most common skin conditions that vets treats. This can evidently be identifiable from breakout of blackheads on your cat’s chin. Most occurrence of cat acne are usually linked to stress, although the the exact cause is not known.  Poor grooming habits and, some say, also certain foods may trigger acne. Cat acne could also signal a weak immune system or the onset of other skin diseases, such as ringworm or allergies. If your cats constantly scratch her chins and lips, you should take a look at her under chins for signs of redness or inflammation.

Feline acne is stubborn. The infection is limited to the chin area, and it may appear once in a cat’s life or for the life of the cat. Feline acne can affect cats of any age, sex or breed. You can control, but not cure, feline acne. First step is to bring it to your your vet to rule out other skin disorders. This is usually done by collecting “skin scrapings,” performing a skin biopsy, or taking culture and sensitivity tests.

You can treat the acne at home by gentle washing of the chin once or twice daily with a mild soap, benzoyl peroxide (3 percent or less). This can break down excess oils to prevent blackheads from forming. Topical vitamin A (0.05 percent Retin-A) is also used, but the drying formula may irritate some cats. If your cat is prone to acne, gently wash his chin after eating with warm water.

Severe cases of cat acne are usually treated with oral medications. Anti-­inflammatory medication such as prednisone may be use to control the situation initially. Acne outbreaks can be triggered by allergic reactions, so consider switching your cat’s food bowls to stainless steel. Avoid plastic ones as may contain irritant dyes or retain bacteria. Finally,  remember never use human grade medications on your cat without first checking with your vet first.

Does Cat Eat Vegetables?

Cats are carnivores by nature. Although their prey may have dined on grains and vegetables, these elements are only present in small  amounts within the animal’s digestive system. Some cats enjoy chomping on plants every once in a while to get roughage or fibre. Along these same lines, cats chew on and eat grass in order to throw something up, like a hair ball that’s caught in their throat.

If cats do not eat herbs or vegetables in the wild. So, why do pet food manufacturers add grains such as brown rice, vegetables, herbs, and even fruit to cat food? The answer? To appease the owners, who may have been adding whole grains, vegetables, herbs, and fruit to their own diet. These owners think cat needs to eat likewise.

Cats get certain key nutrients from meat. They need nutrients such as taurine, arachidonic acid, vitamin A and vitamin B12 which cannot be obtained from herbs or vegetables.  Without a steady supply of these nutrients, cats can suffer from liver and heart problems, not to mention skin irritation and hearing loss.  Taurine is one of the most important nutrients present in meat but it is missing from plants. Taurine deficiency will cause blindness and heart problems in cats.

A diet high in plant material can make cat’s urine too alkaline. This can cause very painful stones to form in the urinary tract. The fiber in plant matter can cause diarrhea or gas and interfere with your cat’s ability to digest both the offensive plant and other, healthier foods.  If you wish to give your cat grains and vegetables, it should comprise no more than 25 percent of his diet. Compared with 30 percent protein and 40 percent fat derived from chicken, turkey, beef, lamb, or fish.

Be particularly skeptical of any pet cookbook that advocates giving your cat considerable quantities of grains or other plant material. Especially books whose ingredient lists include garlic, which is toxic to cats.

cat vomiting

Reasons Why Cat Vomit

It is known that cat vomit more easily than most other animals and they do so for different reasons. Some cats seem to do so almost at their own will, at times for no apparent reason. Hairballs are the most common trigger, these happen from your cat grooming themselves and swallowing the hair, which is normal. Apart from that, there are many other reasons why your cat may vomit. Sometimes, vomit is not a cause for concern particularly if your cat ingest their food so quickly that their stomach cannot handle it. This cause the food to be vomited back up a few minutes later mostly undigested, a pretty common reason why cats vomit.

Cat may vomit undigested food immediately after eating and then eat it back again. Mother cats may vomit food to give their kittens a predigested meal. This is a natural instinct, and not a red flag that she has gastrointestinal parasites. You’ll know by watching your cat whether her retching is cause for concern. She will look anxious, salivate, and swallow repeatedly. She may pace, or come to you for reassurance and comfort. Call your vet if food is not the reason for your cat’s vomiting. Watch out for these warning signs that intestinal parasites, or worse, may be the cause:

• Persistent vomiting

• Sporadic vomiting over a period of days or weeks

• Vomiting blood

• Vomiting feces (sign of intestinal obstruction or abdominal trauma)

• Projectile vomiting

• Vomiting foreign objects

If you’ve got just one cat but she’s a gobbler, you may need to split her meals into smaller portions and feed her more often so the food doesn’t come right back up.

If yours is a multi-cat household, you feed from a communal dish, and your kitties tend to vomit post meal, some cats may be overeating. Separate your kitties at feeding time, serve individual portions, and dish out smaller meals. Another option is to feed your kitties in separate areas or rooms so they can’t see or hear the others eat. It is rather better to close the door behind each kitty. This is because it won’t take long for your gobbler to figure out where the rest of the bowls are if he can still get to them.

Why Does Cat Eat Dirt

Cats explore with their paws and mouths. They explore the world for themselves by sniffing and tasting. It is normal for your cat to chew on bits of cloth, eat paper, or take in a mouthful of dirt from time to time. But there are cases when a cat’s nibbling habits are cause for concern. A cat that eats dirt or litter may be seeking trace minerals such as iron, a sign of anemia.

Anemia is a deficiency in red blood cells, which are needed to carry oxygen throughout the body and keep organs functioning properly. Anemic animals often become weak and lethargic. Cat may sleep more than usual and their toes and ears are often cooler than normal. They often stop grooming themselves as carefully as they used to. Some cat may loose their interest in food, playtime.

Anemia is most prevalent in cats that roam in the spring and summer, increasing their risk for flea infestation. Proper flea prevention is important for preventing para­sites (fleas, ticks, lice) from spreading harmful organisms to your cat, which can cause feline infectious anemia.

The most common underlying cause of anemia is chronic disease, as anemia is a typical side effect of age related health conditions. If you suspect anemia, see your vet immediately. Your cat’s oral fixation may just signal the urge to “explore.”

Here are some tips to modify the behavior:

• Secure targeted items, such as blankets, houseplants, and electric cords.

• Entertain your cat with interactive toys. Plant catnip indoors to lure your cat to this “houseplant” instead. Cats chew when they are bored, so keep them busy.

• Consult with your vet to determine whether dietary changes are necessary to fulfill your cat’s nutrition needs.

Protect Your Cat From Rabies

Rabies is a viral disease that affects both domestic and wild animal. It is normally spread to people through bites or scratches of an infected animal, usually via saliva.

For your own protection and for the safety of your family, it is critical to keep your cat safe from rabies. Other pets you have in your household that come in contact with your cat will also be in risk. The most common carriers of rabies are bats, although dogs are the main source of human rabies deaths, contributing up to 99% of all rabies transmissions to humans.

To keep your cat safe:

• Keep rabies vaccinations up-to-date for all cats (and dogs and ferrets), especially if they could possibly encounter wildlife.

• Spay or neuter your cat to reduce his impulse to wander.

• Do not allow your cat to roam without supervision.

• Stay away from  stray animals or unsupervised pets in your neighborhood.

• Train and socialize your cat to reduce the risk of his biting a person or another cat.

• House your cat indoors. Indoor cats are very rarely exposed to rabies. Outdoor cats have risk of being exposed without their owner’s knowledge.

Rabies is a vaccine-preventable viral disease which occurs in more than 150 countries and territories. Infection causes tens of thousands of deaths every year, mostly in Asia and Africa. 40% of people bitten by suspect rabid animals are children under 15 years of age. The incubation period for rabies is typically 1–3 months but may vary from 1 week to 1 year, dependent upon factors such as the location of virus entry and viral load.

If bitten by an wild animal or strays, clean the wound immediately and thoroughly with soap and water. Contact your physician and/or doctor immediately for further advice.


Excessive And Compulsive Cat Grooming

Most cats are meticulous groomers. Cats typically spend between 30 and 50 percent of their day grooming themselves. As a cat owner, it will understandably worry you if you notice that your kitten is incessantly nibbling and scratching away at some part of his body.

Female cats are more likely than males to lick, chew, or pull on their fur. This compulsive grooming behaviour can leads to the extend that he removes the fur and damage his skin, making it bleed. This sort of behaviour might be due to irritation from some kind of skin disease, such as mange or ringworm that requires medical attention. You should seek veterinary professional advice as soon as possible.

However, some of these self-chewing cats are not suffering from any physical form of ailment.  Rather, it is all in their minds. Such mental disorders are more likely to occur in indoor cats, which may be due to the fact that they receive less exercise and excitement than outdoor cats.

Like over-grooming, together with other phenomena such as obsessive self- licking and self-pawing is stress related. Something in the cat’s environment or the way he is treated will influencing his behaviour.

As with other cat problems caused by anxiety and stress, you need to identify what has triggered his bizarre behaviour. Take steps to overcome or neutralize the triggers and find ways of more generally boosting the cat’s confidence. Provide opportunities for your cat to relieve his stress in other, non- damaging ways. Such as being able to take refuge on some high-up shelf or another vantage point.

Vet will normally recommend making surrounding changes or introductions gradually, if no medical cause can be identified.  Treating over grooming as the result of some form of stress in a cat’s life by introducing changes such as:

  • Bringing familiar items (such as bedding)
  • Adding cat-friendly vertical space – high places where cats can retreat and feel safe
  • Keeping their environment stimulating by finding a few minutes (ten to 15 minutes daily will do) to play with them each day
landmark of kittenhood

The Landmark Of Kittenhood

It is endless fascinating watching a kitten grow during stages of kittenhood.  The trouble is that the whole process often seems be over in a flash. It is always reassuring to know what to expect in regards to your kitten’s development: if he is reaching his milestones on time and progressing well. Here are the stages to watch out for and when they are likely to happen.

The First Several Weeks

The newborn kittens spend nearly all of their time on their bellies, their heads pressed against the ground. They don’t have the strength to stand. Kittens start to tread on the mother’s breasts almost immediately after birth. For the first few weeks, small  domestic newborn felines gain about 90 grams in weight per week.

Eyelids are open by two weeks and smell develops by three. Hearing, teeth and the ability to walk develop by four. In week five, the physical skills of domestic kittens have progressed to the point where their play exhibits all of the energy and techniques of the hunt, complete with high-speed chases and pouncing. Around this time, if the mother is allowed to go outdoors, she may bring home dead prey to present to the litter. A kitten can leave his mother when he is six to seven weeks old but no earlier. A better time for this separation is 8 to 12 weeks when he is fully weaned.

Your Kitten’s Development
7-20 days Eyes open, develop its sense of smell
15-21 days Crawl and wobbles around
21-25 days Stands & starts to walk. Kittens’ first teeth emerge
3-4 weeks Weaning begins. You should begin toilet training the kitten.
4-5 weeks Learns to groom himself and play.
6-8 weeks Kittens start to run, jump and climb with frenetic intensity.
8 weeks Fully weaned. All milk teeth are present
12 weeks Eye colour changes to its permanent shade
12-18 weeks Permanent teeth start to appear
24 weeks The kitten is completely independent of his mother